Thursday, June 16, 2011

Awesome and Awkward Thursday! - Omaha Professional Photographer

Awesome & Awkward Thursday!

It's time for another round of Awesome & Awesome Thursday!  This week has been a little of both but more on the *Awesome* side and for that I am very grateful!  I can't wait to see what Missie and Heather come up with for this week.  Be sure to look for their blog links at the end of this post! 


  • Although this snapshot that I chose to depict *awkward* is rather cute, it best depicts what I am about to explain.  It's Becca's reaction to that gift in Lela's hand that makes me absolutely giggle every time I look at this photo.  I didn't realize (and if I did I would never admit to it ;) ) what kind of awkward position I put Becca in by buying Lela a super soaker for her birthday to take to the pool.  The awkward part comes in to play when you realize the havoc that will surely ensue next pool play date- we only own one super soaker.  There is no way for Becca to defend herself.  She has no water power and will be at Lela's mercy.  I figure it's all fun and games until Momma gets soaked.  Then I will be sure to run out and buy 4 more- two for me and two for Becca and then we'll see who will get soaked the most. ;)   Lela will watch where she aims that thing if she knows what's best. ;)
  • My neighbor, Michelle, making the *cutest* cupcake shaped cake for Lela's birthday and after slicing it for the girls I went to move it off the table AND DROPPED IT.  Totally embarrassing!
  • Inviting neighbors over to grill out and the FIRE that ensued from the gas grill that melted my mascara and smoked us off our deck. (Don't worry- it remained contained within the grill) Steve had promised to clean the grill after the last time I battled fire and brimstone but never got around to it.  I think next time HE is going to be the one to grill.  Betcha it gets cleaned then.
  • Participating in a June Photography Challenge and NOT POSTING REGULARLY.  *sheesh*  Am I ever going to be a better blogger?
  • My neighbor catching me outside trying to capture my awesome photo. I think it shocked him to see me out so early and it was a tad overcast but I knew it would be beautiful....He actually gave me a hard time about being out at 6:00am across the street, in the middle of the cul de sac and eventually onto the back deck.....I guess my morning bed head is a tad ridiculous looking.

  • Waking up and catching a beautiful sunrise.  I loved how the overcast storm clouds were making their way across the sky while that sunshine was giving such a lovely promise of a beautiful day.
  • Celebrating my daughter's birthday!  It was so much fun to take her to her favorite place to eat and watching her open gifts.  She is my sunshine. <3
  • My neighbor baking Lela a cake (even if I dropped it).  She is the best 'udder mudder' and a great friend.
  • Becca making it back to swim practice.  -- Because things are back to normal around here.  The summer got off to a different start than what was expected.  It's nice to be back into the groove of things.  Who says kids are the only ones that need a schedule?
  • Watching Lela ride her new bike around and around and around the cul de sac.  It reminds me of when I was younger.
  • Watching Lela and Daphne dance and karaoke to PINK's cd.  *hilarious and super cute all at the same time*
  • Solidifying plans for my nieces to come for a visit in July!  I am *so* excited!
  • Going to the Omaha Arts Festival together as a family.  It was a ton of fun!  I highly recommend checking it out next year if you missed it this year.
So, that wraps up this week's Awesome & Awkward Thursday! post.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Be sure to check back next week and see what silly things take place.  If you have anything awesome or awkward that you'd like to share - or can relate to- please leave me a comment!  I'd love to hear from you.  Also, be sure to check out Heather's blog and Missie's blog to see what Awesome & Awkward things happened to them this week!

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