Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Little Artists

The girls were into the paint today creating masterpieces. Lela is on me to frame and hang her work.  I need to buy a matte cutter.  She has recently been selling her paintings for $1- $3 dollars.  Becca, in these photos, had been recruited by Lela to clean her brushes while she painted.  What else are big sisters for?

Of course, silliness always ensues in whatever project Lela is involved in- she is SO her father's daughter. :)

Becca doing her designated 'job'.  I love it when my girls enjoy time with each other.

They had so much fun this afternoon.  The table has now been cleared off, paint and brushes put away and canvases - 4 to be exact- are drying on the counter.  The girls have moved onto their next project- avidly watching a movie downstairs munching on popcorn.  Wonder what their next adventure will be?  Visit my facebook fanpage by clicking on the link to the left or by clicking here to see more of their painting adventure.


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